I haven't written on here in a while so I thought I'd post a quick update. I've been doing good in general, no hydro issues. Just been a bit more tired than usual. I think I just really need to exercise more. lol.
I am thinking about participating in a DW walk/run that will be somewhat close to where I live next May. I'm pretty excited about it, because even though I've met a few people in person with hydro, I have yet to meet anyone (that I know of) in person who has DW because it's a lot rarer than hydro. I'm hoping there will be a few adults there with DW but more than likely it will be just kids. I wouldn't be surprised if I will be the only one walking who actually has DW since most people will probably be doing it in honor of their kids or other family and friends with it. I've never done anything like this before so I don't really know how it works but I guess I will find out in the upcoming months. It should be fun. There will be entertainment there for kids so my 2 year old daughter should have plenty of fun and maybe she'll get to meet some kids who share her Mommy's condition. I'm really looking forward to it and hope we'll be able to go! I'll make sure to update if we go.